Football and Window Cleaners Jokes

You might wonder why such a strange combination, Football AND window cleaner jokes? The reason is simple. As a Sydney window cleaner, I also love Football. As such, I have combined some window cleaning jokes AND Football jokes...cover every base, that's what I say....

Football and Window Cleaning Jokes

1. Why did the window cleaner bring a ladder to the comedy club?

Because he wanted to reach the punchline!

2. What did one dirty window say to the other?

"I hope we get cleaned soon, this view is pane-ful!"

3. Why did the window cleaner always tell jokes while working?

Because he had a great sense of "panehumor"!

4. How can you tell if a window cleaner is a magician?

Because they make all the streaks and smudges disappear!

5. Did you hear about the window cleaner who became a stand-up comedian?

He knows how to clean up at comedy clubs!

6. Why did the window cleaner always bring a bucket of water to the comedy show?

Because he wanted to make sure he had a good background for his humor!

7. What did the window cleaner say when he fell off a ladder?

"I hope the glass is half full!"

8. How do window cleaners always know what jokes to tell?

They have a clear view of what makes people laugh!

9. What do windows say to each other while being cleaned?

"Let's clear the air and enjoy the view!"

10. How do window cleaners make people laugh?

By leaving them in stitches of clean windows and sparkling jokes!

Now For Some Footballer Jokes!

1. Why did the football team go to the bakery? Because they needed a good roll!

2. Why did the football player bring string to the game? So he could tie the score!

3. What do you call a football player who dances on the field? A juking bean!

4. Why did the coach go to the bank? To get his quarterback!

5. What do you call a snowman playing football? Chill Wilson!

6. Why do football players do well in school? Because they know how to tackle their assignments!

7. What's the difference between a football coach and a tea bag? The tea bag stays in the cup longer!

8. Why don't football teams play on the jungle? Too many cheetahs!

9. Why do football players make terrible comedians? Because they always fumble the punchlines!

10. Why did the football player bring a ladder to practice? Because he wanted to reach new heights on the field!

Remember, humor is subjective, so these jokes might not resonate with everyone.
